Notes from Strange Loop 2015: Day One
Unconventional Programming with Chemical Computing
- Carin Meier
- Living Clojure
- @Cognitect
- Inspired by Book - unconventional programming paradigms
- "the grass is computing"
- all living things process information via chemical reactions on molecular level
- hormones
- immune system
- bacteria signal processing
- will NOT be programming with chemicalsusing metaphor of molecules and reactions to do computing
- nothing currently in the wild using chemical computing
- at the heart of chemical programming: the reaction
- will calculate primes two ways:
- traditional
- with prime reaction
- uses clojure for the examples
- prime reaction
- think of the integers as molecules
- simple rule: take a vector of 2 integers, divide them, if the mod is zero, return the result of the division, otherwise, return the vector unchanged
- name of this procedure: gamma chemical programming
- reaction is a condition + action
- execute: replacement of original elements by resulting element
- solution is known when it results in a steady state (hence, for prime reaction, have to churn over lists of integers multiple times to filter out all the non-primes)
- possible advantages:
- modeling probabilistic systems
- drive a computation towards a global max or min
- higher order
- make the functions molecules as well
- fn could "capture" integer molecules to use as args
- what does it do?
- it "hatches" => yields original fn and result of applying fn to the captured arguments
- reducing reaction fn: return fewer arguments than is taken in
- two fns interacting: allow to exchange captured values (leads to more "stirring" in the chem sims)
- no real need for sequential processing; can do things in any order and still get the "right" answer
- dining philosophers problem
- something chemical programming handles well
- two forks: eating philosopher
- one fork or no forks: thinking philosopher
- TP with 2fs reacting with EAT => EP
- "self organizing": simple behaviors combine to create what look like complex behaviors
- mail system: messages, servers, networks, mailboxes, membranes
- membranes control reactions, keep molecules sorted
- passage through membranes controlled by servers and network
- "self organizing"
How Machine Learning helps Cancer Research
- evelina gabasova
- university of cambridge
- cost per human genome has gone down from $100mil (2001) to a few thousand dollars (methodology change in mid-2000s paid big dividends)
- cancer is not a single disease; underlying cause is mutations in the genetic code that regulates protein formation inside the cell
- brca1 and brca2 are guardians; they check the chromosomes for mistakes and kill cells that have them, so suppress tumor growth; when they stop working correctly or get mutated, you can have tumors
- clustering: finding groups in data that are more similar to each other than to other data points
- example: clustering customers
- but: clustering might vary based on the attributes chosen (or they way those attributes are lumped together)?
- yes: but choose projection based on which ones give the most variance between data points
- can use in cancer research by plotting genes and their expression and looking for grouping
- want to be able to craft more targeted responses to the diagnosis of cancer based on the patient and how they will react
- collaborative filtering
- used in netflix recommendation engine
- filling in cells in a matrix
- compute as the product of two smaller matrices
- in cancer research, can help because the number of people with certain mutations is small, leading to a sparsely populated database
- theorem proving
- basically prolog-style programming, constraints plus relations leading to single (or multiple) solutions
- can use to model cancer systems
- was used to show that chronic myeloid leukemia is a very stable system, that just knocking out one part will not be enough to kill the bad cell and slow the disease; helps with drug and treatment design
- data taken from academic papers reporting the results of different treatments on different populations
- machine learning not just for targeted ads or algorithmic trading
- will become more important in the future as more and more data becomes available
- Q: how long does the calculation take for stabilization sims?
- A: for very simple systems, can take milliseconds
- Q: how much discovery is involved, to find the data?
- A: actually, whole teams developing text mining techniques for extracting data from academic papers (!)
When Worst is Best
- Peter Bailis
- what if we designed computer systems for the worst-case scenarios?
- website that served 7.3Billion simultaneous users; would on average have lots of idle resources
- hardware: what if we built this chip for the mars rover? would lead to very expensive packaging (and a lot of R&D to handle low-power low-weight environments)
- security: all our devs are malicious; makes code deployment harder
- designing for the worst case often penalizes the average case
- could we break the curve? design for the worst case and improve the average case too
- distributed systems
- almost everything non-trivial is distributed these days
- operate over a network
- networks make designs hard
- packets can be delayed
- packets may be dropped
- async network: can't tell if message has been delayed or dropped
- handle this by adding replicas that can respond to any request at any time
- network interruptions don't stop service
- no coordination means even when everything is fine, we don't have to talk
- possible infinite service scale-out
- coordinated multi-server transactions pay large penalty as we add more servers (from locks); get more throughput if we let access be uncoordinated
- don't care about latency if you don't have to send messages everywhere
- but what about the CAP theorem?
- inktomi from eric brewer: for large scale services, have to trade off between always giving an answer and always giving the right answer
- takeaway: certain properties of a system (like serializability) require unavailability
- original paper: cathy lynch
- common conclusion: availability is too expensive, and we have to give up too much, and it only matters during failures, so forget about it
- if you use worst case as design tool, you skew toward coordination-avoiding databases
- high coordination is legacy of old db design
- coordination-free designs are possible
- example: read committed isolation
- goal: never read uncommitted data
- legacy implementation: lock records during access (coordination)
- one way: copy on write (x -> x', do stuff -> write back to x)
- or: versioning
- for more detail, see martin's talk on saturday about transactions
- research on coordination-free systems have potential for huge speedups
- other situations where worst-case thinking yields good results
- replication for fault tolerance can also increase your request-serving capacity
- fail-over can help deployments/upgrades: if it's automatic, you can shut off the primary whenever you want and know that the backups will take over, then bring the primary back up when your work is done
- tail latency in services:
- avg of 1.2ms (not bad) can mean 0.1% of requests have 100ms (which is terrible)
- if you're one of many services being used to fulfill a front-end request, your worst case is more likely to happen, and so drag down the avg latency for the end-user
- universal design: designing well for everyone; ex: curb cuts, subtitles on netflix
- sometimes best is brittle: global maximum can sit on top of a very narrow peak, where any little change in the inputs can drive it away from the optimum
- defining normal defines our designs; considering a different edge case as normal can open up new design spaces
- hardware: what happens if we have bit flips?
- clusters: what's our scale-out strategy?
- security: how do we audit data access?
- examine your biases
All In with Determinism for Performance and Testing in Distributed Systems
- John Hugg
- VoltDB
- so you need a replicated setup?
- could run primary and secondary
- could allow writes to 2 servers, do conflict detection, and merge all writes
- active-active: state a + deterministic op = state b
- if do same ops across all servers, should end up with the same state
- have client that sends A B C to coordination system, which then ends ABC to all replicas, which do the ops in order
- ABC: a logical log, the ordering is what's important
- can write log to disk, for later replay
- can replicate log to all servers, for constant active-active updates
- can also send log across network for cluster replication
- look out for non-determinism
- random numbers
- wall-clock time
- record order
- external systems (ping noaa for weather)
- bad memory
- libraries that use randomness for security
- how to protect from non-determinism?
- make sure sql is as deterministic as possible
- 100% of their DML is deterministic
- rw transactions are hard to make deterministic, have to do a little more planning (swap row-scan for tree-index scan)
- use seeded random-number generators that are lists created in advance
- hash up the write ops, and require replicas to send back their computed hashes once the ops are done so the coordinator can confirm the ops were deterministic
- can also hash the whole replica state when doing a transactional snapshot
- reduce latency by sending condensed representation of ops instead of all the steps (the recipe name, not the recipe)
- why do it?
- replicate faster, reduces concerns for latency
- persist everything faster: start logging when the work is requested, not when the work is completed
- bounded sizes: the work comes in as fast as the network allows, so the log will only be written no faster than the network (no firehose)
- trade-offs?
- it's more work: testing, enforcing determinism
- running mixed versions is scary: if you fix a bug, and you're running different versions of the software between the replicas, you no longer have deterministic transactions
- if you trip the safety checks, we shut down the cluster
- testing?
- multi-pronged approach: acid, sql correctness, etc
- simulation a la foundationDB not as useful for them, since they have more states
- message/state-machine fuzzing
- unit tests
- smoke tests
- self-checking workload (best value)
- everything written gets self-checked; so to check a read value, write it back out and see if it comes back unchanged
- use "nefarious app": application that runs a lot of nasty transactions, checks for ACID failures
- nasty transactions:
- read values, hash them, write them back
- add huge blobs to rows to slow down processing
- add mayhem threads that run ad-hoc sql doing updates
- multi-table joins
- read and write multiple values
- do it all many many times within the same transaction
- mix up all different kinds of environment tweaks
- different jvms
- different VM hosts
- different OSes
- inject latency, disk faults, etc
- client knows last sent and last acknowledged transaction, checker can be sure recovered data (shut down and restart) contains all the acknowledged transactions
Scaling Stateful Services
- Caitie MacCaffrey
- been using stateless services for a long time, depending on db to store and coordinate our state
- has worked for a long time, but got to place where one db wasn't enough, so we went to no-sql and sharded dbs
- data shipping paradigm: client makes request, service fetches data, sends data to client, throws away "stale" data
- will talk about stateful services, and their benefits, but WARNING: NOT A MAGIC BULLET
- data locality: keep the fetched data on the service machine
- lower latency
- good for data intensive ops where client needs quick responses to operations on large amounts of data
- sticky connections and consistency
- using sticky connections and stateful services gives you more consistency models to use: pipelined random access memory, read your write, etc
- blog post from werner vogel: eventual consistency revisited
- building sticky connections
- client connecting to a cluster always gets routed to the same server
- easiest way: persistent connections
- but: no stickiness once connection breaks
- also: mucks with your load balancing (connections might not all last the same amount of time, can end up with one machine holding everything)
- will need backpressure on the machines so they can break connections when they need to
- next easiest: routing logic in cluster
- but: how do you know who's in the cluster?
- and: how do you ensure the work is evenly distributed?
- static cluster membership: dumbest thing that might work; not very fault tolerant; painful to expand;
- next better: dynamic cluster membership
- gossip protocols: machines chat about who is alive and dead, each machine on its own decides who's in the cluster and who's not; works so long as system is relatively stable, but can lead to split-brain pretty quickly
- consensus systems: better consistency; but if the consensus truth holder goes down, the whole cluster goes down
- work distribution: random placement
- write anywhere
- read from everywhere
- not sticky connection, but stateful service
- work distribution: consistent hashing
- deterministic request placement
- nodes in cluster get placed on a ring, request gets mapped to spot in the ring
- can still have hot spots form, since different requests will have different work that needs to be done, can have a lot of heavy work requests placed on one node
- work around the hot spots by having larger cluster, but that's more expensive
- work distribution: distributed hash table
- non-deterministic placement
- stateful services in the real world
- scuba:
- in-memory db from facebook
- believe to be static cluster membership
- random fan-out on write
- reads from every machine in cluster
- results get composed by machine running query
- results include a completeness metric
- uber ringpop
- nodejs library that does application-layer sharding for their dispatching services
- swim gossip protocol for cluster membership
- consistent hashing for work distribution
- orleans
- from Microsoft Research
- used for Halo4
- runtime and programming model for building distributed systems based on Actor Model
- gossip protocol for cluster membership
- consistent hashing + distributed hash table for work distribution
- actors can take request and:
- update their state
- return their state
- create a new Actor
- request comes in to any machine in cluster, it applies hash to find where the DHT is for that client, then that DHT machine routes the request to the right Actor
- if a machine fails, the DHT is updated to point new requests to a different Actor
- can also update the DHT if it detects a hot machine
- cautions
- unbounded data structures (huge requests, clients asking for too much data, having to hold a lot of things in memory, etc)
- memory management (get ready to make friends with the garbage collector profiler)
- reloading state: recovering from crashes, deploying a new node, the very first connection of a session (no data, have to fetch it all)
- sometimes can get away with lazy loading, because even if the first connection fails, you know the client's going to come back and ask for the same data anyway
- fast restarts at facebook: with lots of data in memory, shutting down your process and restarting causes a long wait time for the data to come back up; had success decoupling memory lifetime from process lifetime, would write data to shared memory before shutting process down and then bring new process up and copy over the data from shared to the process' memory
- should i read papers? YES!