disclaimers: no expert, internals can change, excerpts have been mangled for readability
most code will be java, not clojure
(defn m [v] {:foo "bar" :baz v})
minor differences: calculated key, constant values, more than 8 key/value pairs
MapReader called from static array of IFns used to track macros; triggered by '{' character
PersistentArrayMap used for less than 8 objects in map
eval treats forms wrapped in (do..) as a special case
if form is non-def bit of code, eval will wrap it in a 0-arity function and invoke it
eval's macroexpand will turn our form into (def m (fn [v] {:foo "bar :baz v}))
checks for duplicate keys twice: once on read, once on analyze, since forms for keys might have been evaluated into duplicates
java class emitted at the end with name of our fn tacked on, like: class a_map$m
intelli-j will report a lot of unused methods in the java compiler code, but what's happening is the methods are getting invoked, but at load time via some asm method strings
no supported api for creating small maps with compile-time constant keys; array-map is slow and does a lot of work it doesn't need to do
Clojure Parallelism: Beyond Futures
Leon Barrett, the climate corporation
climate corp: model weather and plants, give advice to farmers
wrote Claypoole, a parallelism library
map/reduce to compute average: might use future to shove computation of the average divisor (inverse of # of items) off at the beginning, then do the map work, then deref the future at the end
future -> future-call: sends fn-wrapped body to an Agent/soloExecutor
concurrency vs parallelism: concurrency means things could be re-ordered arbitrarily, parallelism means multiple things happen at once
thread pool: recycle a set number of threads to avoid constantly incurring the overhead of creating a new thread
agent thread pool: used for agents and futures; program will not exit while threads are there; lifetime of 60 sec
future limitations
tasks too small for the overhead
exceptions get wrapped in ExecutionException, so your try/catches won't work normally anymore
pmap: just a parallel map; lazy; runs N-cpu + 3 tasks in futures
generates threads as needed; could have problems if you're creating multiple pmaps at once
slow task can stall it, since it waits for the first task in the sequence to complete for each trip through
also wraps exceptions just like future
laziness and parallelism: don't mix
channels and coroutines
reads like go
fixed-size thread pool
handy when you've got a lot of callbacks in your code
mostly for concurrency, not parallelism
can use pipeline for some parallelism; it's like a pmap across a channel
exceptions can kill coroutines
pmap that uses a fixed-size thread pool
with-shutdown! will clean up thread pool when done
eager by default
output is an eagerly streaming sequence
also get pfor (parallel for)
lazy versions are available; can be better for chaining (fast pmap into slow pmap would have speed mismatch with eagerness)
exceptions are re-thrown properly
no chunking worries
can have priorities on your tasks
uses fork/join pool
good for cpu-bound tasks
gives you a parallel reduce
distributable on hadoop
designed to max out cpu
gives parallel reduce as well (fold)
tools for working with parallelism:
promises to block the state of the world and check things
yorkit (?) for jvm profiling
Boot Can Build It
Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin, adzerk
why a new build tool?
build tooling hasn't kept up with the complexity of deploys
especially for web applications
builds are processes, not specifications
most tools: maven, ant, oriented around configuration instead of programming
many independent parts that do one thing well
composition left to the user
maven for dependency resolution
builds clojure and clojurescript
sample boot project has main method (they used java project for demo)
uses '--' for piping tasks together (instead of the real |)
filesets are generated and passed to a task, then output of task is gathered up and sent to the next task in the chain (like ring middleware)
boot has a repl
can do most boot tasks from the repl as well
can define new build tasks via deftask macro
(deftask build ...)
(boot (watch) (build))
make build script: (build.boot)
#!/usr/bin/env boot
write in the clojure code defining and using your boot tasks
if it's in build.boot, boot will find it on command line for help and automatically write the main fn for you
FileSet: immutable snapshot of the current files; passed to task, new one created and returned by that task to be given to the next one; task must call commit! to commit changes to it (a la git)
dealing with dependency hell (conflicting dependencies)
isolated runtimes, with own dependencies
some things can't be passed between pods (such as the things clojure runtime creates for itself when it starts up)
example: define pod with env that uses clojure 1.5.1 as a dependency, can then run code inside that pod and it'll only see clojure 1.5.1
One Binder to Rule Them All: Introduction to Trapperkeeper
Ruth Linehan and Nathaniel Smith; puppetlabs
back-end service engineers at puppetlabs
service framework for long-running applications
basis for all back-end services at puppetlabs
service framework:
code generalization
component reuse
state management
why trapperkeeper?
influenced by clojure reloaded pattern
similar to component and jake
puppetlabs ships on-prem software
need something for users to configure, may not have any clojure experience
needs to be lightweight: don't want to ship jboss everywhere
turn on and off services via config
multiple web apps on a single web server
unified logging and config
simple config
existing services that can be used
config service: for parsing config files
web server service: easily add ring handler
nrepl service: for debugging
rpc server service: nathaniel wrote
demo app: github -> trapperkeeper-demo
anatomy of service
protocol: specifies the api contract that that service will have
can have any number of implementations of the contract
can choose between implementations at runtime
defservice: like defining a protocol implementation, one big series of defs of fns: (init [this context] (let ...)))
handle dependencies in defservice by vector after service name: [[:ConfigService get-in-config] [:MeowService meow]]
lifecycle of the service: what happens when initialized, started, stopped
don't have to implement every part of the lifecycle
can specify single file or an entire directory on startup
they prefer .conf (HOCON)
have to use the config service to get the config values
bootstrap.cfg: the config file that controls which services get picked up and loaded into app
order is irrelevant: will be decided based on parsing of the dependencies
context: way for service to store and access state locally not globally
should write code as plain clojure
pass in context/config as plain maps
trapperkeeper provides helper utilities for starting and stopping services via code
with-app-with-config macro: offers symbol to bind the app to, plus define config as a map, code will be executed with that app binding and that config
there's a lein template for trapperkeeper that stubs out working application with web server + test suite + repl
repl utils:
start, stop, inspect TK apps from the repl: (go); (stop)
don't need to restart whole jvm to see changes: (reset)
can print out the context: (:MeowService (context))
macro for generating RPC versions of existing trapperkeeper protocols
supports https
with web server on one jvm and core logic on a different one, can scale them independently; can keep web server up even while swapping out or starting/stopping the core logic server
future: rpc over ssl websockets (using message-pack in transit for data transmission); metrics, function retrying; load balancing
Domain-Specific Type Systems
Nathan Sorenson, sparkfund
you can type-check your dsls
libraries are often examples of dsls: not necessarily macros involved, but have opinionated way of working within a domain
many examples pulled from "How to Design Programs"
domain represented as data, interpreted as information
type structure: syntactic means of enforcing abstraction
abstraction is a map to help a user navigate a domain
audience is important: would give different map to pedestrian than to bus driver
can also think of abstraction as specification, as dictating what should be built or how many things should be built to be similar
showing inception to programmers is like showing jaws to a shark
fable: parent trap over complex analysis
moral: types are not data structures
static vs dynamic specs
static: types; things as they are at compile time; definitions and derivations
dynamic: things as they are at runtime; unit tests and integration tests; expressed as falsifiable conjectures
types not always about enforcing correctness, so much as describing abstractions
simon peyton jones: types are the UML of functional programming
valuable habit: think of the types involved when designing functions
spec-tacular: more structure for datomic schemas
from sparkfund
the type system they wanted for datomic
open source but not quite ready for public consumption just yet
datomic too flexible: attributes can be attached to any entity, relationships can happen between any two entities, no constraints
wrote query language that's aware of the defined types
uses bi-directional type checking: github.com/takeoutweight/bidirectional
can write sensical error messages: Lease has no field 'lesee'
can pull type info from their type checker and feed it into core.typed and let core.typed check use of that data in other code (enforce types)
does handle recursive types
no polymorphism
practical foundations for programming languages: robert harper
types and programming languages: benjamin c pierce
study haskell or ocaml; they've had a lot of time to work through the problems of types and type theory
they're using spec-tacular in production now, even using it to generate type docs that are useful for non-technical folks to refer to and discuss; but don't feel the code is at the point where other teams could pull it in and use it easily
ClojureScript Update
David Nolen
ambly: cljs compiled for iOS
uses bonjour and webdav to target ios devices
creator already has app in app store that was written entirely in clojurescript
can connect to device and use repl to write directly on it (!)
Clojure Update
Alex Miller
clojure 1.7 is at 1.7.0-beta1 -> final release approaching
transducers coming
define a transducer as a set of operations on a sequence/stream
(def xf (comp (filter? odd) (map inc) (take 5)))
then apply transducer to different streams
(into [] xf (range 1000))
(transduce xf + 0 (range 1000))
(sequence xf (range 1000))
reader conditionals
portable code across clj platforms
new extension: .cljc
use to select out different expressions based on platform (clj vs cljs)
#?(:clj (java.util.Date.)
:cljs (js/Date.))
can fall through the conditionals and emit nothing (not nil, but literally don't emit anything to be read by the reader)