Clojure/West 2015: Notes from Day Two

Data Science in Clojure

  • Soren Macbeth; yieldbot
  • yieldbot: similar to how adwords works, but not google and not on search results
  • 1 billion pageviews per week: lots of data
  • end up using almost all of the big data tools out there
  • EXCEPT HADOOP: no more hadoop for them
  • lots of machine learning
  • always used clojure, never had or used anything else
  • why clojure?
    • most of the large distributed processing systems run on the jvm
    • repl great for data exploration
    • no delta between prototyping and production code
  • cascalog: was great, enabled them to write hadoop code without hating it the whole time, but still grew to hate hadoop (running hadoop) over time
  • december: finally got rid of last hadoop job, now life is great
  • replaced with: storm
  • marceline: clojure dsl (open-source) on top of the trident java library
  • writing trident in clojure much better than using the java examples
  • flambo: clojure dsl on top of spark's java api
    • renamed, expanded version of climate corp's clj-spark

Pattern Matching in Clojure

  • Sean Johnson;
  • runs remote engineering team at Path
  • history of pattern matching
    • SNOBOL: 60s and 70s, pattern matching around strings
    • Prolog: 1972; unification at its core
    • lots of functional and pattern matching work in the 70s and 80s
    • 87: Erlang -> from prolog to telecoms; functional
    • 90s: standard ml, haskell...
    • clojure?
  • prolog: unification does spooky things
    • bound match unbound
    • unbound match bound
    • unbound match unbound
  • clojurific ways: core.logic, miniKanren, Learn Prolog Now
  • erlang: one way pattern matching: bound match unbound, unbound match bound
  • what about us? macros!
  • pattern matching all around us
    • destructuring is a mini pattern matching language
    • multimethods dispatch based on pattern matching
    • case: simple pattern matching macro
  • but: we have macros, we can use them to create the language that we want
  • core.match
  • dennis' library defun: macros all the way down: a macro that wraps the core.match macro
    • pattern matching macro for defining functions just like erlang
    • (defun say-hi (["Dennis"] "Hi Dennis!") ([:catty] "Morning, Catty!"))
    • can also use the :guard syntax from core.match in defining your functions' pattern matching
    • not in clojurescript yet...
  • but: how well does this work in practice?
    • falkland CMS, SEACAT -> incidental use
    • -> deliberate use (the sweet spot)
    • clj-json-ld, filter-map -> maximal use
  • does it hurt? ever?
  • limitations
    • guards only accept one argument, workaround with tuples
  • best practices
    • use to eliminate conditionals at the top of a function
    • use to eliminate nested conditionals
    • handle multiple function inputs (think map that might have different keys in it?)
    • recursive function pattern: one def for the start, one def for the work, one def for the finish
      • used all over erlang
      • not as explicit in idiomatic clojure
Ron Toland @mindbat