Clojure/West 2015: Notes from Day Three

Everything Will Flow

  • Zach Tellman, Factual
  • queues: didn't deal with directly in clojure until core.async
  • queues are everywhere: even software threads have queues for their execution, and correspond to hardware threads that have their own buffers (queues)
  • queueing theory: a lot of math, ignore most
  • performance modeling and design of computer systems: queueing theory in action
  • closed systems: when produce something, must wait for consumer to deal with it before we can produce something else
    • ex: repl, web browser
  • open systems: requests come in without regard for how fast the consumer is using them
    • adding consumers makes the open systems we build more robust
  • but: because we're often adding producers and consumers, our systems may respond well for a good while, but then suddenly fall over (can keep up better for longer, but when gets unstable, does so rapidly)
  • lesson: unbounded queues are fundamentally broken
  • three responses to too much incoming data:
    • drop: valid if new data overrides old data, or if don't care
    • reject: often the only choice for an application
    • pause (backpressure): often the only choice for a closed system, or sub-system (can't be sure that dropping or rejecting would be the right choice for the system as a whole)
    • this is why core.async has the puts buffer in front of their normal channel buffer
  • in fact, queues don't need buffer, so much as they need the puts and takes buffers; which is the default channel you get from core.async

Clojure At Scale

  • Anthony Moocar, Walmart Labs
  • redis and cassandra plus clojure
  • 20 services, 70 lein projects, 50K lines of code
  • prefer component over global state
Ron Toland @mindbat