takacs: hungarian, lots of hungarian sf has not been translated yet
schwartzmann: reads russian, ukrainian and polish; has done translation work
schwartzmann: russian writers: bulgakhov (magical realism, 1920s and 1930s)
takacs: strugatsky brothers; stanislaw lem, especially the cyberiad; rana ras;
lyau: france produced second-most varied scifi tradition; planet of the apes; their golden age was the thirty years following jules verne's heyday; maurice renard; french new wave post-1968; robita; de nizorres
kastersmidt: hector hermann oesterheld (argentinian, was killed by junta for publishing comic)
schaff-stump: has handout with japanese names; since japanese novels are often turned into manga and anime, can often find those in translation even if the book hasn't been
schwartzmann: for chinese scifi, start with three-body problem, first volume had to adhere to communist standards, second was a little looser, third volume he completely jumps out of the box; tor is releasing "invisible planets" collection of chinese short stories translated by ken liu
takacs: yerg dragoman (the white king; bone fire); adam bodor (the sinister district)
fantastic planet: was based on french novel called "humans by the dozen"
lyau: start with the pulp novels to brush up on your french
kastersmidt: if you haven't read borges, do so; camilla fernandes (brazilian); also check out the apex book of world science fiction, runs to four volumes, collects stories from new authors from around the world
schaff-stump: hex (from dutch author) was rewritten for us edition, not available in strict translation
tiptree award is going out of its way to bring non-english scifi to anglophone attention (check past award winners)
takasc: african sf: afro-sf anthology series; african speculative fiction society website will soon go live
first emeriati science fiction publishing house is opening its doors
omenana: african sf in english (online)
german scifi: andres eschbach, the carpet makers (?)
ukrainian literature: vita nostra, available in english, by sergey and marina ____, basically the magicians
Promoting Yourself as an Introvert
tamara jones: writing since seven yrs old
doesn't leave the house much
lives in small town iowa
has four novels, first won compton cook award
had to suddenly start speaking to a lot of strangers and big crowds
hard to relax
introverts are like onions, have awesome core, but many many layers of protection on top of it that prevent people from getting to know your core
on panels, need to let hair down, but you can hide behind the table for safety
editor liked just first 66 pages of first book she bought, had to rewrite everything else, which completely changed her plans for the second book; so: don't write the next books in a series until you sell and finish the first one
some people don't want to let you talk on a panel, but don't get aggressive, that doesn't come off well
readings are the worst
but: get your ass out of the chair, gives you better diction, more control; move around, even though there's no where to hide; it's performance art: talk about self, talk about book, read short pages (two pages), then talk about it, then two more pages, then talk about it (make it different works or passages for variety)
find whatever it is that gives you feeling of safety (small sweater, lucky socks, etc) and wear that to the reading to help you feel safe and able to be yourself
has had three stalkers already, so no one knows where she lives (deliberately)
tries to avoid the parties; but when you're starting out you have to go because editors and agents will be there; grab a drink, wander around and listen, take a drink if you get nervous
what do you do when drained? Find a capsule of solitude somewhere: a quiet corner, maybe even the restroom stall, close your eyes and be alone for 15 min
editors love to talk about their work; her typical question is "what's the best thing about your job?"
need one sentence description of each of your books
also need one sentence description of yourself "i slaughter people on paper for money"
thinks introverts should not moderate, have to insert self and take control, which introverts are not good at
don't overprepare for panels; whatever you prep for will probably be thrown out the window as soon as the panel starts
at end of the day, selling self, if you do that people will want to buy your books