Introducing elm-present

I’m in love with Elm. No, really.

I don’t know if it’s just that I’ve been away from front-end development for a few years, but working in Elm has been a breath of fresh air.

When my boss offered to let us give Tech Talks on any subject at the last company meetup, I jumped at the chance to talk about Elm.

And, of course, if I was going to give a talk about Elm, I had to make my slides in Elm, didn’t I?

So I wrote elm-present.

It’s a (very) simple presentation app. Slides are json files that have a title, some text, a background image, and that’s it. Each slide points to the one before it, and the one after, for navigation.

elm-present handles reading in the files, parsing the json, and displaying everything (in the right order).

And the best part? You don’t need a server to run it. Just push everything up to Dropbox, open the present.html file in your browser, and voilĂ !

You can see the talk I gave the meetup here, as a demo.

Ron Toland @mindbat