Keeping Score: December 6, 2019

Only a measly 300 words written this week.

I can blame the time change (from East Coast back to West Coast hours). I can blame the stress of getting back into the day job after a week off.

But really, it's just been hard pushing the words out this week.

Hard even to carve out time in the day to do it. I know, I know, that's a perennial excuse, but it's true: some days, it's damn hard to find even thirty minutes where my brain isn't mush and I'm not rushing off to do something else.

So I'm hoping to find some time today, and each day this weekend, so I can at least finish out the week with 1,500 words done.

I feel like I'm going to have to reconsider my schedule soon, though, and drop something from it to make room for writing. Only, I don't what I could possibly let go of.

How about you? What do you do, when you feel your writing time slipping away? How do you claw it back?

Ron Toland @mindbat