Keeping Score: April 3, 2020

Current writing streak: 22 days.

Switching from tracking words written to time spent writing seems to be working. So far this week I've:

  • Finished the script for an 8-page comic as part of Gail Simone's Comics School
  • Finished writing up an interview with a local author
  • Finished revising 3 of 5 scenes in a short story
  • Submitted a flash fiction piece to a new market

I'm trying to use one of the tools Gail Simone said we need in our toolbox to make it as professional writers: Focus.

For Comics School, it meant keeping the overall goal modest (an 8-pg story) and working each day on just one piece of it, till it was done.

For me, I'm thinking of it in terms of goals per piece. This week, my goal is to finish editing the short story I mentioned above. Then I can submit it to beta readers, and move onto the next thing while I wait for their feedback.

Next week, I think I'll finally return to working on the novel. I'd like to take it chapter by chapter, with the goal of finishing one per week. We'll see how it goes.

How about you? How are you measuring success, during the pandemic?

Ron Toland @mindbat